About the Artist

David A. Woelfel


Born and raised in Alaska, an imaginative child that was not shy about expressing it. While eccentric, was gradually able to find places where a creative mindset would be welcomed. Being cast in and working behind the scenes in a number of theatrical productions through early adulthood while also pursuing a growing interest in film production. The drive to create has not been diminished even into adulthood, taking on a more mundane day job while pursuing all manner of creative fields in the dark of the night.


The present goal and ambition is a multi-pronged approach to creativity in the vague hope that such thoughts will lead to paying creative work and being part of the convention circuit. Art, voice acting, and cosplay being blended together into a single gambit. Having to balance creative ambition with the responsibilities of day to day life, the greatest barrier against taking off in pursuit of a dream is the simple need to maintain a reliable paying job.